
Feedback, Fadeaways, and Baby

Written by Admin | Sep 12, 2007 4:00:00 AM
Our last blog post, Remembering 9/11, really struck a nerve with our readers.   George's story moved us as well and we thank you for your feedback.  

The markets have been relatively uneventful today, fading into the close on light volumes.   Everyone is so focused on the Fed's decision next week that few have noticed the nice rebound we've had off our August lows.   Some earnings reports also arrive next week, including Goldman Sachs' on Thursday.  Even if Goldman has a positive report with decent commentary, I suspect folks will remain bearish on financials.  It's going to take time for the markets to rebuild confidence in the sector and to become convinced that there aren't some unseen potholes down the road.  Climbing a Wall of Worry, isn't a bad thing, however, and is likely what's happening right now; again no one's noticing the nice move we've had off our lows.

On a much more exciting note, Jeff Travis, my friend and business partner, took his wife Dana to the hospital this morning to deliver their second child, a boy.  Alex Butler Travis arrived at 11:19am this morning, weighing in at a whopping 9lbs, 2oz.   Congrats, Jeff and Dana!