
Former Tech Fund Manager Doug MacKay quoted in CNN Money

Written by Admin | Feb 9, 2011 5:00:00 AM
Paul LaMonica, a financial reporter for CNN Money, called to talk about the resurgence of some long lost tech stocks from the dot com era this year.  

He said he had read our update on Steve Jobs and Apple last month, where he learned that I had been a tech fund manager during the sector's halcyon days.   (That update was our most popular to date by the way; thanks for your kind comments and feedback.)  

In particular, Paul had noticed that JDS Uniphase (JDSU) -  Just Don't Sell Us as we had called it back then - was the top performing stock in the S&P 500 this year. 

For our thoughts on the company, the tech sector, and other related dot com stocks from both then and now, please read Paul's finished story.
