
Looking to 2010, Gathering your Questions

Written by Admin | Dec 10, 2009 5:00:00 AM
It has been quite sometime since I last published a blog entry.  The good news is that I've been quite busy, the bad news is that this trend may continue.  As a result, I will likely publish less frequently, perhaps just sharing my thoughts in the form of our periodic Economic Updates.  If you would like to receive those, please visit our website and subscribe at

Over the next few days, I hope to synthesize my thoughts on the year ahead and what it might mean for investors.  I may put the update in a Q&A format, which worked well on an occasion earlier in the year.  To that end, if you have any questions you would like me to consider, please feel free to send them via comment on this blog or directly by email to  

I also plan to provide my closing thoughts on the year that was as I do each and every year, critiquing what went well, what didn't, and what we might be able to improve in the future.

Until then, enjoy the holiday season!