Economic Updates

Fourth Quarter 2018 Performance and Commentary

Written by Admin | Jan 2, 2019 5:00:00 AM

It’s not much of a secret that the stock market was pummeled during the fourth quarter, with our portfolio declining in a similar fashion.  Weakness was generally broad based across almost all sectors of the economy as concerns of recession mounted in the face of continued Fed Rate increases.  Given our substantial lead earlier in the year, the Broadleaf Growth Equity Portfolio nevertheless finished in positive territory for 2018, up 4.7% net of fees, and well ahead of our benchmarks.

Over nearly all periods tracked –short, intermediate, long term and since inception – the Broadleaf Growth Equity Portfolio continues to outperform its benchmarks on a net of fees basis, placing us in the top decile/quartile of our long term peer group rankings.

Thank you for being a client and friend of Broadleaf Partners – we couldn’t do it without you!

For the rest of our thoughts on the quarter and our investment outlook, please click on the following link: Fourth Quarter 2018 Commentary and Review.