
Video Walk Through of the Broadleaf Growth Equity Portfolio Investment Process

Written by Admin | May 8, 2017 4:00:00 AM

Broadleaf Partners is a growth focused investment management firm based in Hudson, Ohio specializing in large cap, concentrated growth stock portfolios whose objective is to outperform the S&P 500 over a full market cycle. We cater to high net worth individuals and institutions who want to have an investment exposure to the most innovative and dynamic growth areas of the domestic economy.

While most people just want basic details when it comes to money management firms, occasionally there are those who like to know more.

In this fifteen minute video clip, Doug MacKay, Broadleaf’s founder and Chief Investment Officer, discusses the firm in greater detail, including its long term performance results and the philosophies and strategies he employs. With over 27 years of investment experience, Doug has been on the front lines of many of the more treacherous investment environments in recent history, including the tech bubble in the early 2000’s and the housing crisis of 2009. He is a frequent guest on CNBC and other media outlets, sought for his thought leadership, particularly with respect to tech and growth stock investing.

Broadleaf Growth Equity Portfolio from HedgeCoVest on Vimeo.

Please keep in mind that future performance may be different from the past, and that past results do not guarantee future success. Important performance disclosures are included with each quarterly summary and you can review all our performance disclosures through a link on our website.