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Broadleaf Birthday and CNBC Replay

If you didn't get a chance to catch the live broadcast of our CNBC appearance this morning - also the fifth anniversary of our firm's performance track record - please click here to see the replay. 

We are pleased to report that for the five year period ending 8/17/10, the Broadleaf Growth Equity portfolio has outperformed the S&P 500 by roughly 3% annually, which would place it in the top 13% of large cap growth funds tracked by Morningstar.   (For additional details on the Broadleaf Growth Equity portfolio, its investment style and related performance disclosures, please see our most recent Performance Commentary  dated June 30, 2010.)
Achieving this major milestone with such strong results is a significant accomplishment for our firm, one that Bill and I believe will open many new doors.   To that end, if you or someone you know is looking for a growth equity manager with  proven long term results, we would love a shot at earning your business.   
We would like to take a brief moment to thank our clients, our advisory board, our families and our friends on Wall Street for believing in us and for playing an important role in making this journey possible.   To the many readers of our Economic Updates and our blog, keep your comments flowing!   Finally, I'd personally like to thank God for the  simple gift of faith.  While I'm no angel, you have been a steady hand through good times and bad, helping me to find significance not in the things of this world, but in my eternal relationship with you. 
You are, quite simply, the best.