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Broadleaf Growth Equity Portfolio

Broadleaf Growth Equity Portfolio

The Broadleaf Growth Equity Portfolio holds roughly thirty individual equity securities and is appropriate for clients seeking exposure to a growth oriented investment style for a portion of their overall investment portfolio. All client portfolios are separately managed. 

We manage the portfolio using a proprietary investment strategy which incorporates our top-down macroeconomic views coupled with company specific, bottoms-up fundamental considerations. 

The Broadleaf Growth Equity Portfolio’s goal is to outperform the S&P 500 index over a three to five year time horizon or full market cycle. It is suitable for investors seeking an exposure to an all-cap, concentrated equity investment style which may be more volatile than the market as a whole.

Investors should consider it as a portion of their investment portfolio, within the context of their overall asset allocation. For additional details, including top holdings, portfolio statistics and our market outlook, please refer to our most Recent Performance and Market Commentary.

Our investment process follows three basic steps in which we CREATE the initial portfolio, MANAGE it on an ongoing basis, and CRITIQUE our results after the fact.

Starting with our favorite 25-35 growth stocks, we create a portfolio that is designed to outperform the S&P 500 over the forecast period. We then manage this portfolio by closely following earnings trends, tracking performance of individual holdings through different market environments, and employing our rigorous sell discipline. Over time, we critique the investment returns, as well as the changes we’ve made, to ensure we’re adding value and improving investor outcomes in the future.

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Account Minimum

The minimum account value for the Broadleaf Growth Equity Portfolio is $250,000.
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Fee Structure

Fees are 1% per year of assets under management, billed quarterly in arrears. Breakpoints are available at specific asset levels.
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Broadleaf Partners, LLC does not directly hold client assets, but maintains custodial relationships with other firms. In certain circumstances, Broadleaf can explore relationships with your preferred custodian.

Broadleaf Strategic Investment Portfolios

The Broadleaf Strategic Investment Portfolios (STRIPs) are a group of three actively managed investment portfolios created for investors of varying risk tolerances and investment objectives. All client portfolios are separately managed and follow one of the three actively managed investment models.

Our strategies utilize a risk adjusted approach that is suitable for investors that would like to place their entire investment portfolio under our management rather than just their growth equity allocation. The key here is that your portfolio is designed to meet your specific needs, objectives and risk tolerances. After working with you to determine your risk profile, we will then manage your account on a fully discretionary basis following the Strategic Investment Portfolio (STRIPS) that fits your profile.

The types of investments we use may include the Broadleaf Growth Equity Portfolio, other style based mutual funds, international investments, fixed income securities, and exchange traded funds, among others.

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Account Minimum

The minimum account value for the Broadleaf Strategic Investment Portfolios (STRIPs) is $100,000.
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Fee Structure

Fees are 1% per year of assets under management, charged quarterly in arrears. Breakpoints are available at specific asset levels.
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Broadleaf Partners, LLC does not directly hold client assets but maintains custodial relationships with Charles Schwab for all STRIPs accounts.

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Contact Broadleaf Partners

At Broadleaf Partners, we provide solutions that help you and your organization achieve long-term success. Talk to an advisor to explore your institutional investment management options. 

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