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Oil, Smart Cars, and DaVinci Surgery Video

Oil continues to ease back slightly today, to about $118.50.  While we didn't comment on it, yesterday was a very nice move for the markets.  Monday's decline in oil left us a bit perplexed as to why consumer discretionary stocks in particular didn't react more positively.  Tuesday's move suggests there was just a delayed reaction.  Sometimes the market is like that -- a decent reminder in an era of fast news and split second trading.

I've been seeing a number of scooters and Smart Cars driving the streets of Hudson, Ohio and surrounding areas of late.  Check out the Smart Car website if you haven't already.  The company is owned by Mercedes Benz and the U.S. distribution arm is run by Roger Penske out of Michigan.  It looks like they have about 77 dealerships in the U.S. around various cities.

Also, a close friend sent along the following video clip of a DaVinci Surgical robot in action.  Made by Intuitive Surgical, these robots are also starting to get increased attention.  Contrary to a skeptical Barron's article last week, we believe these devices will not only find opportunities in new export markets, but in new surgical procedures.  

(Keep in mind that anytime we mention a specific company, please do not assume that we are recommending the stock.  Readers of our blog should always do their own homework or consult the advice of their financial advisor before acting on any information gleaned from our blog or any other form of media.  If you'd like to talk to us, give us a call!)