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Thanks and Happy New Year

Jeff and I want to wish all of you a healthy and prosperous New Year. 

We ventured into the world of blogging in 2007 and will be looking for ways to improve our content and make it more useful to you, our readers, as we move into 2008.  To that end, if there are any topics or questions on the stock market, the economy, or investing in general that you'd like us to address, please don't hesitate to let us know.  And feel free to comment directly on our individual blog entries by using the comment links that are provided at the bottom of each entry.  We are eager to hear your thoughts, opinions, and feedback.

For those that might like to learn more about our firm, you can visit us on our website at or give us a call.

Kindest Regards,

Doug MacKay & Jeff Travis
Broadleaf Partners, LLC

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