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The Terminator Responds

I don't often write notes to the Times or the Wall Street Journal, but Arnold Schwarzeneggar's editorial a couple of weeks ago, which we blogged about, really touched a nerve for me personally.  I sent him a note of encouragement and a copy of the blog entry via the state's website and was surprised to get the response below today.  While I'd be the first to admit that this response likely went out to hundreds and even thousands, it's still kind of cool to get a note from him, don't you think?  I shared similar thoughts with a local school superintendant and haven't heard a thing.  And I don't even vote in California. -----Original Message-----   From: [   ]   Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 2:13 PM To: Doug MacKay Subject: Re:Wall Street Journal Editorial Thank you for taking the time to send me your kind words of support. I'm always honored by the encouragement I receive from thoughtful supporters like you. I am working hard to improve California's future and make progress in one of the most difficult budget years in California history. Even in the midst of this crisis, I believe we have an opportunity to make our government more efficient and to find innovative ways to stretch the taxpayer dollars. In so many areas of government, there are opportunities for reform - all we have to do is go out and seize them. Again, thank you for your kind words of encouragement. Hearing from individuals like you reminds me that we are moving in the right direction. Sincerely,   Arnold Schwarzenegger