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The University of Dayton's RISE Symposium

Jeff and I will be traveling to Dayton later this week to attend and present at the University of Dayton's RISE Symposium. 

This now global event was started over eight years ago as a forum for students at a few colleges to compete in an annual portfolio competition and to gather and discuss investment strategy with one another.  Since then, it has grown exponentially, drawing students from hundreds of colleges around the nation and the world and expanding its format to include presentations from many high profile Wall Street professionals.  

The event is now open to the public with advance registration, drawing students, individual investors and investment professionals alike.  Thursday includes a full day of presentations by a lineup of many well known investment professionals, while Friday will offer a full day of workshops for students to share time and gain insights from other industry practitioners.   

Jeff and I have participated as panel experts and presenters at RISE since the event's inception eight years ago.  We will be leading several panel discussions on growth portfolio strategies this Friday and would encourage you to stop by if you are in the area.  It is truly a unique event and worthy of a spot on your radar screen.

To learn more about the event and possibly plan for next year, please check out their website  here.