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Getting Ready for School

My kids set off for their first day of school tomorrow.  Every year, I videotape them catching the bus.  Have been for six years and figure I might as well keep it going.  I'm thinking I'll compile the videos and then give them as a present to their future spouses on their wedding day.  Should be good for some laughter and a nice keepsake.  

Last night, my wife tells me that my new middle schooler isn't going to think its very cool to have dad anywhere near him when he catches the bus, let alone with a video camera.  So, I guess I'm gonna have to look for a good hiding spot.  

Speaking of which, there weren't many good places to hide in the market today.  The correction was pretty much across the board, with most of the major indices down an equivalent amount on very low volumes.  Yesterday was the weakest volume day of the year so far and today was probably close.  

I'd be more worried if volumes weren't so light.  For now, it's probably going to be quiet until we get a better feel for what the Fed is going to do in mid September.