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First Quarter 2014 Commentary & Performance

Our portfolio had a tough first quarter, declining nearly 2% in an otherwise positive market environment. The last ten or so trading days were particularly difficult for fundamentally strong, high growth companies,... read more
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What Happened on March 18th?

The last ten days of the quarter have been brutal for the market and in particular, growth stocks and the Broadleaf Growth Equity Portfolio (BGEP). March 18th sticks out as a unique date. Since then, the BGEP has e... read more
blog Financial
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Broadleaf Partners recently featured by Business Insider

An excerpt from our most recent economic update, Flying High, was mentioned in Business Insider's "5 Smart Insights for Financial Advisers" this weekend. Given the Wall Street Journal and several other media source... read more
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An OPEd Worth Reading

We really enjoyed the attached OPEd piece in this morning’s Wall Street Journal as it reflects our current thinking and general views of the past year. While the world economic situation may not feel ideal, opportu... read more
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Chinese Entrepreneurs are Leaving China

I thought the following blog entry from Forbes was excellent. It just goes to show that the Laffer Curve concept is international in terms of its effects. Could we see a second brain/wealth drain as these entrepren... read more
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There is Always a Way Out

No matter how bad things may get - at work, at home, your stock portfolio, or in your daily exercise routine - there is always a way out. Never lose hope! . read more
blog Financial
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What Your Tax Dollars Buy

Our friend, Karin Maloney Stifler of True Wealth Advisors, posted an interesting site on her blog that helps answer the question, "Where do my tax dollars go?". We thought we'd pass it along. read more
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Let Yourself Feel Good Again

We have published a new Economic Update titled Let Yourself Feel Good Again. In this update, we discuss rising inflation expectations, the likelihood that the economy moves into expansion mode in 2011 and why you, ... read more
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Former Tech Fund Manager Doug MacKay quoted in CNN Money

Paul LaMonica, a financial reporter for CNN Money, called to talk about the resurgence of some long lost tech stocks from the dot com era this year. He said he had read our update on Steve Jobs and Apple last month... read more
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Christmas Break Video Fun

Like many of you, I get alot of funny videos sent to me every week. I thought these two British videos were particularly good. They are also kid friendly, meaning they just might keep the kids from killing each oth... read more
blog Financial
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A Surprisingly Accurate Picture of Recent Economics

Mary is the proprietor of a bar in Dublin . She realises that virtually all of her customers are unemployed alcoholics and, as such, can no longer afford to patronise her bar. To solve this problem, she comes up wi... read more
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The Buckeye Institute - An Amazing Tool for Public Worker/Taxpayer Accountability

Someone brought a website to my attention a few minutes ago, It is an amazing website that will no doubt generate tremendous interest and scorn across the state. Basically, you can look up... read more
blog Financial
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Mortgage Rates Due for another Leg Down?

Mortgage rates are moving even lower with the average 30 year now at 4.2%. I would expect rates to fall even further, perhaps piercing 4% on the prospect of quantitative easing (QE) by the Federal Reserve in Novemb... read more
blog Financial
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Chain Gangs & Pipe Dreams

We published a new Economic Update titled Chain Gangs & Pipe Dreams to our website this morning. In the update, we discuss highschool football, hedge fund manager David Tepper,and our thoughts on the recent new twe... read more
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Dog Prayers

Dog Prayers read more
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Pepper & Salt, WSJ 9/9/2010

Timely!!! read more
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WSJ Book Review, Greece listens to the Terminator?

Naomi Schaeffer Riley reviews an interesting new book titled Crisis on Campus, by Columbia University professor Mark Taylor in today's Wall Street Journal. I've read one of Naomi's books in the past; she has been v... read more
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Caribbean Blue

I just returned from a family vacation last week where I took this picture and had a fantastic time. It was a strikingly beautiful and temperate place, with some of the most exotic sands I've ever witnessed. I even... read more
blog Financial
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Bed Pans and Bunk Beds

This past weekend, my wife and I packed the car and drove our family to Miami University in Oxford, Ohio for our twenty year, college reunion. The campus remains as beautiful as it ever was, but the people and memo... read more
blog Financial
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Style Diversification Map

I've always liked the above map of the market, which shows how different investment styles have performed each year going back to the early 90's. A couple of observations stick out to me, while a third is not as ob... read more
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Another Sign of the Times: Eagle Scout Projects Go Global

Last night, I read an article about Alex Griffith, a young American Boy Scout whose eagle project involved building a playground at the Russian hospital where he was born and then adopted from some sixteen years ag... read more