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Economic Updates

Economic Updates

Economic Updates Institutional
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Third Quarter 2016 Commentary and Performance

We enjoyed a nice third quarter rebound following the second quarter, Brexit-induced swoon. The market’s returns were relatively narrow; technology as a whole did very well and select positions within the health ca... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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Second Quarter 2016 Commentary and Performance

The markets continued to recover from their first quarter lows, but there is no doubt that it has not been easy going with last week’s Brexit decision the most recent speedbump in a sideways market now over eightee... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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First Quarter 2016 Performance and Commentary Review

The first quarter was a tale of two halves. During the first half, the stock market came under significant pressure as oil prices fell to new lows, broader credit concerns became elevated, and recessionary risks ro... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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Broadleaf Partners 2016 Investment Playbook

It’s that time of year again. Time to take stock of the year that was and time to try pondering what 2016 could look like. read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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Third Quarter 2015 Commentary and Performance Review

Happy Ten Year Birthday, Broadleaf! As most people know, this was a difficult quarter for the stock market and our portfolio was not immune. Weakness was broad based across all sectors, with only utilities and sele... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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Second Quarter 2015 Commentary and Performance Review

The Broadleaf Growth Equity Portfolio (BGEP) enjoyed another nice gain in the second quarter, both on an absolute basis and relative to the S&P 500. Performance gains were relatively broad based, both at the sector... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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Many Shades of Grey

We’re getting towards the end of earnings season, which provides a little breathing room to make a few comments on the overall market. The action has been choppy since the beginning of April, with a host of “firsts... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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First Quarter 2015 Commentary and Performance Review

The Broadleaf Growth Equity Portfolio (BGEP) enjoyed a nice gain in the first quarter both on an absolute basis and relative to the S&P 500. Performance gains were relatively broad based, both at the sector and ind... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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Nevis & NASDAQ 5000

Fifteen years ago, the tech-stock heavy, dot-com laden NASDAQ hit 5000, a level it hasn’t seen since - until today - March 2nd, 2015. Whether or not it will maintain a closing price above 5000 remains a work in pro... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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Fourth Quarter 2014 Commentary and Performance Review

The Broadleaf Growth Equity Portfolio gained a solid 2.6% during the fourth quarter, bringing its full year return to 11.8%. While lagging the overall market’s return for the year, our results on a one, three and f... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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A Moody Market

For those that may not have noticed, stock market volatility has been on the rise in October, with more up and down 1-2% days and powerful intraday moves than we’ve seen since the Great Recession. Weak overseas eco... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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Third Quarter 2014 Commentary & Performance

Our portfolio enjoyed very strong third quarter results in both absolute and relative terms, bringing year to date returns slightly ahead of the S&P 500. While no one should focus on short term investment results, ... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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America in the Driver's Seat - Enjoy the Ride

Like clockwork, earnings season has drawn to a close, creating an information vacuum for the stock market, one in which the media spends more time “making” the news than perhaps reporting it. The marginal dollar at... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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Broadleaf’s 2014 Investment Playbook

Most sell side firms publish their outlook for the economy and stock market at the end of December and in early January. As a buy side firm, we really aren’t under any expectation to share our outlook for the comin... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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Twenty Five

I am not a particularly good salesman. From the time I first meet a prospect to when they become a full-fledged client, it can often take two years even when they initiate the first meeting. Fortunately, growing th... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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Looking Farther Down the Road

The stock market has continued to do very well over the summer months, reaching new, all-time highs and proving to even the most stubborn of skeptics that Great Recessions can become Great Recoveries for those with... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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Driving with the Doors Off, Part II

About ten months ago, I wrote about my new bulldozer-yellow Jeep Wrangler, comparing the sensation of Driving with the Doors Off to investing in the New Normal, or as I like to call it, a “slow growth for as far as... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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An Apple's First Worm

Writing about Apple is painful. Not because I have lost money in recent months or have no insight to provide, but because the media will likely report on it ad nausea for the next few days. It is perhaps human natu... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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Plain Vanilla

Last Thursday evening, JP Morgan announced it lost at least $2 billion on trades related to “egregious” errors on its “synthetic” investments. The complex products that were meant to protect the bank instead blew u... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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American Creativity

It was a rip roaring January for the stock market. While the pace cooled a bit towards the end of the month, the surge made it among the best Januarys in post war history and the best January since 1997. After surg... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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Broadleaf Economic Update: Gump Pong

In the past three months, the behavior of the stock market has been a lot like Forrest Gump practicing ping pong - blazingly fast and completely mesmerizing. After zoning out for a while, I had to ask myself, did t... read more