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Economic Updates

Economic Updates

Economic Updates Wealth
 /  Broadleaf Partners

Recession Looming?

Whether or not we're heading into a recession is certainly up for debate. What's not up for debate though, is that the stock market may be sending signals of that very possibility. read more
Economic Updates Wealth
 /  Broadleaf Partners

Bad Weather or Bad Clothing?

We are no doubt living in uncertain times, the likes of which most in North America and around the globe haven’t seen in nearly a century. These risks and uncertainties are almost of biblical or medieval proportion... read more
Economic Updates Wealth
 /  Admin

Waterboarded, Mr. Market Style

The markets this quarter haven’t been much fun. read more
Economic Updates Wealth
 /  Admin

New Talent and Aging Stars

I’m sitting at my desk right now, watching the endless stream of earnings shoot across my screen, and I can’t stop thinking of the strong parallels to a Wall Street Journal article from this morning on The Changing... read more
Economic Updates Wealth
 /  Admin

Third Quarter 2017 Commentary and Review

Growth stocks enjoyed strong third quarter results, bringing our year to date return on a net of fees basis to 24.2% for the Broadleaf Growth Equity Portfolio. After lagging the major indices considerably last year... read more
Economic Updates Wealth
 /  Admin

What If?

After a brief upswing, the markets were caught in a downdraft last week with many of the innovative growth companies we own coming under significantly greater selling pressure. In the past, I’ve noticed that growth... read more
Economic Updates Wealth
 /  Admin

What We're Thinking

The markets are off to a rip-roaring start this year -- in the wrong direction. We are hearing all sorts of sensationalized firsts, including the fact that we just endured the worst first few days of January on rec... read more
Economic Updates Wealth
 /  Admin

Fourth Quarter 2015 Commentary and Performance Review

Our portfolio and the stock market bounced back aggressively in the fourth quarter following the Chinese Yuan induced swoon during the third. We finished the full year in positive territory, substantially ahead of ... read more
Economic Updates Wealth
 /  Admin

Heading into the Labor Day Weekend

As we head into the extended Labor Day Weekend, we thought it would be a good idea to share some quick thoughts on the continued volatility in the global stock markets, including our own. In addition to our own lon... read more
Economic Updates Wealth
 /  Admin

Earnings Voids and the Emergence of Plausible Risk

We had put the finishing touches on a market update celebrating our first ten years in business, but were rudely interrupted by the first violence in the markets we’ve seen in nearly a year. read more
Economic Updates Wealth
 /  Admin

A Tale of Two Worlds

The U.S. markets enjoyed a strong open today but have experienced a slow bleed off the early morning highs. News of rate cuts in China and more serious discussion of quantitative easing (QE) as a policy tool in Eur... read more
Economic Updates Wealth
 /  Admin

Our Take on the Fed Minutes

I hate to blow up everyone’s inbox with a second Economic Update in just over a week, but I guess I just did. Usually, I don’t have anything intelligent to say more than once every month or so and since I’m not a j... read more
Economic Updates Wealth
 /  Admin

Quick Thoughts 2

Our last piece, Quick Thoughts, generated one of the highest open rates of any Economic Update we’ve sent, so we’ll take that as a clue and stick with the format. read more
Economic Updates Wealth
 /  Admin

Quick Thoughts & Coconuts

The past month and a half have been crazy, personally and professionally. read more
Economic Updates Wealth
 /  Admin

Mixed Signals and the Road Less Traveled

It has been a month since our last update and, quite frankly, not much has changed. As the markets flirt with all-time highs and a potential shift in Fed policy, earnings season has not altered the fact that the le... read more
Economic Updates Wealth
 /  Admin

Cold War: Thoughts on Ukraine Based on a Month Spent in Latvia

Note: This Economic Update is a bit different than most both in subject and writing style. However, we still thought we had some personal insights and perspectives that were worth sharing. We’d enjoy hearing your f... read more
Economic Updates Wealth
 /  Admin

Like Baseball in the Snow

The last three months have been rewarding for stocks, but like baseball in the snow, something hasn't quite felt right. We've enjoyed some gains, but keeping pace with the rapidly rising indices has proven challeng... read more
Economic Updates Wealth
 /  Admin

Flying High

The media has made a spectacle out of the Dow Jones Industrial Average reaching new all-time highs. Once again, what may prove newsworthy is not only misleading but also, quite frankly, false. Allow us to explain. ... read more
Economic Updates Wealth
 /  Admin

Nothing Changed

Many events have transpired since our mid-September update, but not much has really changed. Economic growth should remain slow for as far as the eyes can see, as each region of the world struggles with its own ver... read more
Economic Updates Wealth
 /  Admin

All In

Dissatisfied with progress on the jobs front, the Fed went “all in” yesterday in its much anticipated, most recent policy announcement. Unlike QE1, QE2 and Operation Twist, the latest addition to the monetary smorg... read more
Economic Updates Wealth
 /  Admin

Driving with the Doors Off

Two months ago I bought a bulldozer-yellow Jeep Wrangler, replacing my eight year old black Audi A6. While the A6 had been a wonderful car, I was ready for something new and a Jeep fit the bill. The Jeep is large e... read more