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Broadleaf Partners' Blog

Broadleaf Partners' Blog

blog Institutional
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Bringing Good Things to Light

The news of the morning is General Electric. The company's earnings came out and missed expectations by about 7 cents on the bottom line and a billion or so on the top line. General Electric in many respects is lik... read more
blog Wealth
 /  Admin

Venturing Out

The weather has ruffled the feathers and excited the senses of all who live, eat and breathe in Northeast, Ohio --both man and animal alike. We're starting to venture out from our winter nests up here, taking walks... read more
blog Institutional
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April Fool's?

The markets are starting the second quarter off with a bang, with most indices soaring upwards just shy of 3%. This morning, UBS announced further write offs totaling $19 billion, which is apparently some pretty go... read more
blog Institutional
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Our Thoughts Exactly...

We have mentioned several times in recent posts about our belief that the latest rise in oil and other commodities appears to be speculative due in large part to the lack of participation in the underlying stocks. ... read more
blog Financial
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RISE VIII meets Rocky IV

As discussed in our last entry, Jeff and I attended the 8th annual RISE Investment Symposium put on by the University of Dayton last week. The event has grown immensely over the last eight years, drawing over 2700 ... read more
blog Wealth
 /  Admin

The University of Dayton's RISE Symposium

Jeff and I will be traveling to Dayton later this week to attend and present at the University of Dayton's RISE Symposium. This now global event was started over eight years ago as a forum for students at a few col... read more
blog Institutional
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Bear Stearns -- Arisen?

The markets are enjoying another strong rally today, driven by a possible floor in housing sales and rumors that the Fed may start to purchase poorly performing mortgage loans rather than simply accept them on REPO... read more
blog Wealth
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Commodities Update and News You Can Use

Commodities, including oil, gold and the agricultural variety, have been under pressure over the last couple days. It is, of course, anyone's guess as to why they've finally pulled back, but there is no doubt that ... read more
blog Financial
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The Sacrifice of Bear Stearns

I know alot of great folks at Bear Stearns. The analysts, salesmen, and strategists at the firm -- now a chapter in history -- have always provided great research insights, excellent execution of trades, and outsta... read more
blog Institutional
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What's An Investor to Do?

The markets were all set to open on a strong note this morning following the release of more favorable short term inflation data, but quickly plunged almost 3% following news that Bear Stearns is at risk of going o... read more
blog Institutional
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Thinking More About Offense

The action of the markets in the last week, particularly the internals as measured by industry, subsector industry performance and economic data releases, suggest that the greatest risks to the stock market may con... read more
blog Financial
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Moving to Hyperdrive

The Federal Reserve Board made a stunning and welcome announcement this morning, reversing yesterday's sickly display put on by the markets. In effect, the Fed announced that they would lend up to $200 billion in t... read more
blog Institutional
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No Place to Hide

No place to hide. That's about all I can think right now. Materials related stocks are getting it on the chin today and are down as a group by nearly 5%. With the exception of oil which is hitting $107 per barrel, ... read more
blog Wealth
 /  Admin

For What It's Worth, An Important Turning Point?

The intra day swings in the market continue to be swift and severe. So much so, that it's much easier on the mind to just turn off one's machine and focus on other more pressing matters, like why my electric bill k... read more
blog Wealth
 /  Admin

Texas Versus Ohio: Basic Economics

There is an excellent editorial in today's WSJ comparing the economies of Ohio and Texas as both Hillary and Obama zero in on tomorrow's key primary votes. In contrast to Texas which is creating plenty of jobs for ... read more
blog Institutional
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Pigs, Hogs and Nasdaq 5000

Today's Wall Street Journal has an article titled Commodity Prices Surge, as Investors Seek A Haven. Several points of view from this article echo comments we made in our Economic Update last Friday titled Commodit... read more
blog Institutional
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Words Worth Sharing

Following up on Jeff's entry from yesterday, we found the following words from a report issued by Merrill Lynch today to be in line with our current thinking on the homebuilders. We've often compared the performanc... read more
blog Wealth
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When Bad News is Good News

It’s been a slower week for data but one thing did strike us as interesting over the past few days -- stocks reacting positively to presumably bad news as we saw with retailers Home Depot and Lowe’s. Both stocks re... read more
blog Institutional
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Commodities, Oil and the Reflation Trade

Throughout the day yesterday commodity prices soared as did the stocks of many companies who track in such goods, including the materials and energy sectors. Later in the day, the rest of the market fell apart as t... read more
blog Wealth
 /  Admin

Banking, Fidel Castro, and the Eighth Grade

The well publicized problems in financial land may be seeping into newer areas according to today's Wall Street Journal. Lehman Brothers may have to write down some loans associated with commercial real estate and ... read more
blog Institutional
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Laughing out Loud (LOL)

Today's economic news continued on the negative side, with the New York State Empire Index of manufacturing activity and the Michigan Consumer Sentiment Survey both signaling a weak economy. While both of these mea... read more