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blog Wealth
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In Memoriam of Sir John Marks Templeton

CFA Magazine reminded me today of Sir John Templeton's death in July at the ripe age of 95. As many may know, John was a legend and pioneer in the field of international investments. He was also knighted in part fo... read more
blog Wealth
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Remembering 9/11

We published this entry about this time last year after hearing a speech from 9/11 survivor George Sleigh. We've decided to republish it today in memory of all those affected by the tragedy. May God bless you and c... read more
blog Wealth
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Mr. Roger's Neighborhood

While I have generally been a life-long conservative, I do not and have not always voted strictly along party lines. This may come as a surprise to some readers of our blog and I am perfectly okay with that. Today,... read more
blog Wealth
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Quote of the Day

Peggy Noonan, in her coverage of the Democratic Convention in the Wall Street Journal this morning, said that the best line so far came from our state's governor, Ted Strickland. Echoing the 1988 Democratic convent... read more
blog Wealth
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Classic Ronald Reagan Quotes

"I've laid down the law, though, to everyone from now on about anything that happens: no matter what time it is, wake me, even if it's in the middle of a Cabinet meeting." "The most terrifying words in the English ... read more
blog Wealth
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Finding Michael Phelps

We have posted a new Economic Update, Finding Michael Phelps, on our website. While it generally follows the through process of today's earlier posting, we made some additional comments as well. Interested blog rea... read more
blog Wealth
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Quote of the Day

"We love that Obama is able to flip-flop...We think it’s one of his most redeeming qualities." Art Laffer & Associates Economic Update, 8/5/08. read more
blog Wealth
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Oil, Smart Cars, and DaVinci Surgery Video

Oil continues to ease back slightly today, to about $118.50. While we didn't comment on it, yesterday was a very nice move for the markets. Monday's decline in oil left us a bit perplexed as to why consumer discret... read more
blog Wealth
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Lawyers and Paper

According to a study done by Conservatree, Arnold & Palmer and Purdue University and as reported in yesterday's Cleveland Plain Dealer, an average lawyer can use up to 100,000 sheets of paper every year. That's eno... read more
blog Wealth
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Strange Lions Filmed on Safarai

This video has nothing to do with the economy or the markets. But you have to admit, it's alot funnier than most blog entries. Love the deer that stands up in the middle and the three monkeys in the background. read more
blog Wealth
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Connie Schultz vs Yours Truly

Over the past few days, the Cleveland Plain Dealer's Connie Schultz has spoken harshly of the restaurant industrys' apparent practice of deducting a portion of the credit card transaction processing fee for custome... read more
blog Wealth
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Thoughts on Earnings Season

Earnings season is upon us. It is always one of the more stressful periods of time in the business. Not because we don't have a good feel for how our companies are likely to do, but because we don't know what the s... read more
blog Wealth
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The Coincidence of sub $130 oil

I find it interesting to note that when regulators decided to abolish the naked short selling rules two days ago on financials these stocks started to tear upwards while at the same time the price of oil began to c... read more
blog Wealth
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Making the Trade, Cooperstown and Broken Foots

The Indians lost their star pitcher, 2007 Cy Young winner CC Sabathia, trading him for four minor league ball players. While this move was widely anticipated over much of the past year, the drama has finally drawn ... read more
blog Wealth
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Personal Reflections on Health Insurance

Since starting Broadleaf Partners three years ago, I have purchased a high-deductible health insurance plan that covers my family of five. My premiums have been running roughly $400 per month, but I also have to co... read more
blog Wealth
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The World's Greatest Athlete

Perhaps because of Tiger's outstanding victory under pain earlier in the week, both the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times have published fascinating articles in recent days on who might be considered the W... read more
blog Wealth
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Fulcrums and Flashpoints

To a great extent, the market's balance in the shorter term rests on a fulcrum represented by the price of a barrel of oil. If oil prices break out yet again to the upside, it becomes very difficult to envision any... read more
blog Wealth
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Classic Rock and The Economy

If you're a middle aged credit manager working for Home Depot, what might be your next career? How about touring as the new lead singer of classic rock group Boston? While it may seem a bit far-fetched, that's exac... read more
blog Wealth
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Falling from Grace, Job Loss, and War

Over the last few days, a number of thought provoking datapoints came across my desk. I thought I'd share, for what it's worth. Financials' Fall from Grace. Consistent with the behavior of other sectors suffering f... read more
blog Wealth
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Dollar Comments, the End of a Speculative Trade, and Ties in the Workplace

Yesterday, Bernanke mentioned the dollar in the context of a discussion on inflationary pressures. Historically, he hasn't said much about the dollar so these comments are being met with great interest on the stree... read more
blog Wealth
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CNBC Appearance: The Commodities Debate

A blog entry we posted last week caught the eyes of CNBC's producers and they asked us to appear in a debate regarding the direction of commodity prices this morning, June 3rd. If you missed the interview, you shou... read more