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Economic Updates

Economic Updates

Economic Updates Institutional
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Third Quarter 2018 Commentary and Review

The Broadleaf Growth Equity Portfolio enjoyed absolute gains in the third quarter, rising 7.2% and bringing year to date results to 23%, net of fees. Performance gains continued to come from the technology and cons... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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Second Quarter 2018 Performance Commentary and Review

The Broadleaf Growth Equity Portfolio enjoyed another strong quarter, gaining 8.5% net of fees, compared to 3.4% for the S&P 500. Performance has continued to be dominated by results from the technology sector as w... read more
Economic Updates Wealth
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New Talent and Aging Stars

I’m sitting at my desk right now, watching the endless stream of earnings shoot across my screen, and I can’t stop thinking of the strong parallels to a Wall Street Journal article from this morning on The Changing... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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First Quarter 2018 Commentary and Review

The Broadleaf Growth Equity Portfolio continued a recent run of strong relative results, even in the down and volatile market experienced during the first quarter. Short, intermediate and long term, our results are... read more
Economic Updates Financial
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Looking Back, Looking Forward

At the end of each year, we like to look back on the year that was and consider what we got right with our Investment Playbook, what we got wrong, and what we might have learned in the process. We then turn our att... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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Fourth Quarter 2017 Commentary and Review

Growth stocks enjoyed strong results in the fourth quarter, bringing full year 2017 returns on a net of fees basis to 36% for the Broadleaf Growth Equity Portfolio. After lagging the major indices considerably last... read more
Economic Updates Wealth
 /  Admin

Third Quarter 2017 Commentary and Review

Growth stocks enjoyed strong third quarter results, bringing our year to date return on a net of fees basis to 24.2% for the Broadleaf Growth Equity Portfolio. After lagging the major indices considerably last year... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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Second Quarter 2017 Performance Commentary

Growth stocks continued their strong first quarter run during the second quarter, bringing the year to date net of fees results to 16.6% for the Broadleaf Growth Equity Portfolio. This year is a perfect example of ... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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First Quarter 2017 Commentary and Review

Unlike last year which was one of the worst starts for the market in recent memory, 2017 has started out on a strong note. The Broadleaf Growth Equity portfolio gained nice ground on the indices during the first qu... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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Looking Back, Looking Forward

At the end of each year, we like to look back on the year that was and consider what we got right, what we got wrong, and what we might have learned in the process. We then turn our attention to the year to come ho... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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Fourth Quarter 2016 Commentary and Performance

There is no sugar coating the obvious. In a complete reversal of our strong absolute and relative results from 2015, this year was an outright disappointment for the Broadleaf Growth Equity Portfolio and many other... read more
Economic Updates Financial
 /  Admin

Brexit is Beautiful, Act 2

The results of last night’s election are no doubt worthy of an Economic Update. read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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Third Quarter 2016 Commentary and Performance

We enjoyed a nice third quarter rebound following the second quarter, Brexit-induced swoon. The market’s returns were relatively narrow; technology as a whole did very well and select positions within the health ca... read more
Economic Updates Financial
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Dead Lawns and Short People

What a boring few weeks it has been. Following a post Brexit bounce that was surprising to many, August has largely been, well, August - about as exciting as dead summer lawns, and for the kids, the thought of goin... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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Second Quarter 2016 Commentary and Performance

The markets continued to recover from their first quarter lows, but there is no doubt that it has not been easy going with last week’s Brexit decision the most recent speedbump in a sideways market now over eightee... read more
Economic Updates Financial
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Brexit is Beautiful

Brexit is not the end of the world, but the beginning of a new future. The financial markets will get rocked in the short run, but the excitement I feel for a country making an active decision to endure the well ad... read more
Economic Updates Financial
 /  Admin

Getting Your Ducks in a Row

The behavior of the markets over the course of the last six weeks has reminded me of the phrase “getting your ducks in a row.” While I know the analogy may not be a perfect fit for what I perceive is occurring in t... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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First Quarter 2016 Performance and Commentary Review

The first quarter was a tale of two halves. During the first half, the stock market came under significant pressure as oil prices fell to new lows, broader credit concerns became elevated, and recessionary risks ro... read more
Economic Updates Wealth
 /  Admin

What If?

After a brief upswing, the markets were caught in a downdraft last week with many of the innovative growth companies we own coming under significantly greater selling pressure. In the past, I’ve noticed that growth... read more
Economic Updates Wealth
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What We're Thinking

The markets are off to a rip-roaring start this year -- in the wrong direction. We are hearing all sorts of sensationalized firsts, including the fact that we just endured the worst first few days of January on rec... read more
Economic Updates Wealth
 /  Admin

Fourth Quarter 2015 Commentary and Performance Review

Our portfolio and the stock market bounced back aggressively in the fourth quarter following the Chinese Yuan induced swoon during the third. We finished the full year in positive territory, substantially ahead of ... read more