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Economic Updates

Economic Updates

Economic Updates Institutional
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Broadleaf’s 2014 Investment Playbook

Most sell side firms publish their outlook for the economy and stock market at the end of December and in early January. As a buy side firm, we really aren’t under any expectation to share our outlook for the comin... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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Twenty Five

I am not a particularly good salesman. From the time I first meet a prospect to when they become a full-fledged client, it can often take two years even when they initiate the first meeting. Fortunately, growing th... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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Looking Farther Down the Road

The stock market has continued to do very well over the summer months, reaching new, all-time highs and proving to even the most stubborn of skeptics that Great Recessions can become Great Recoveries for those with... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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Driving with the Doors Off, Part II

About ten months ago, I wrote about my new bulldozer-yellow Jeep Wrangler, comparing the sensation of Driving with the Doors Off to investing in the New Normal, or as I like to call it, a “slow growth for as far as... read more
Economic Updates Wealth
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Like Baseball in the Snow

The last three months have been rewarding for stocks, but like baseball in the snow, something hasn't quite felt right. We've enjoyed some gains, but keeping pace with the rapidly rising indices has proven challeng... read more
Economic Updates Wealth
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Flying High

The media has made a spectacle out of the Dow Jones Industrial Average reaching new all-time highs. Once again, what may prove newsworthy is not only misleading but also, quite frankly, false. Allow us to explain. ... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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An Apple's First Worm

Writing about Apple is painful. Not because I have lost money in recent months or have no insight to provide, but because the media will likely report on it ad nausea for the next few days. It is perhaps human natu... read more
Economic Updates Wealth
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Nothing Changed

Many events have transpired since our mid-September update, but not much has really changed. Economic growth should remain slow for as far as the eyes can see, as each region of the world struggles with its own ver... read more
Economic Updates Wealth
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All In

Dissatisfied with progress on the jobs front, the Fed went “all in” yesterday in its much anticipated, most recent policy announcement. Unlike QE1, QE2 and Operation Twist, the latest addition to the monetary smorg... read more
Economic Updates Wealth
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Driving with the Doors Off

Two months ago I bought a bulldozer-yellow Jeep Wrangler, replacing my eight year old black Audi A6. While the A6 had been a wonderful car, I was ready for something new and a Jeep fit the bill. The Jeep is large e... read more
Economic Updates Financial
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Our Take on Today’s Payroll Numbers

This morning’s payroll numbers were disappointing, a fact that is being reflected in the performance of today’s stock market, now down nearly 2%. read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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Plain Vanilla

Last Thursday evening, JP Morgan announced it lost at least $2 billion on trades related to “egregious” errors on its “synthetic” investments. The complex products that were meant to protect the bank instead blew u... read more
Economic Updates Financial
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Quirky Tales and Waves of Change

Four years ago oil prices approached $150 per barrel. Analysts at Goldman Sachs got all in a lather, with one making the prediction that it would soon hit $200. Peak oil theory became a hot topic in the American pr... read more
Economic Updates Wealth
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Waiting for Eighty

A few times in each generation, a transformative company is born, one which not only revolutionizes industry as it has been done in the past, but often creates significant new wealth for its forward looking owners.... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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American Creativity

It was a rip roaring January for the stock market. While the pace cooled a bit towards the end of the month, the surge made it among the best Januarys in post war history and the best January since 1997. After surg... read more
Economic Updates Financial
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Broadleaf Economic Update: Concussed, The Year in Review

At the end of every year I like to take a look back at the year that was and share some thoughts on what worked, what didn’t, and how we see the future. To be sure, there are still a few days of trading left this y... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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Broadleaf Economic Update: Gump Pong

In the past three months, the behavior of the stock market has been a lot like Forrest Gump practicing ping pong - blazingly fast and completely mesmerizing. After zoning out for a while, I had to ask myself, did t... read more
Economic Updates Institutional
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New Broadleaf Portfolio Strategy Piece: When to Sell

Discerning whether or not new investment data is actionable or simply noise to be ignored is one of the most difficult decisions in all of portfolio management. In our opinion, the first step to gaining wisdom on t... read more
Economic Updates Financial
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Bumped by the US Downgrade

We were scheduled to appear on CNBC this morning to discuss the events of last week and where investors might find value in such uncertain economic and political times. Unfortunately our appearance will have to be ... read more
Economic Updates Financial
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Yellow Jerseys

Over the past two weeks, the media has been consumed by events unfolding in Washington, DC. While the coverage must be good for television ratings – who doesn’t like to whine about Congress – contemplating actual c... read more
Economic Updates Financial
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Past Economic Updates

Please click on the links below to review our past Economic Updates: 2011 Bumped by the US Downgrade Yellow Jerseys Silver & Gold, Silver & Gold Forgetful Let Yourself Feel Good Again Steve Jobs Asking the Real Que... read more